NarraFirma color palette (TD-004)
Gray e4e4e4
Gray d3d2d2
Brown e7ddd0
Green e0e6cc
Orange f4e0cc
Blue d5dae6
Gray a7a5a5
Brown cfbba2
Green b2c07f
Orange eac199
Blue abb6ce
Blue 7b8cb2
Gray 3e3739
Brown b5731e
Green 8db500
Orange ff7d00
Blue 3b5fab
Gray 231f20
Brown 895717
Green 658200
Orange cc6400
Blue 2e4a85
NarraFirma supports project work in Participatory Narrative Inquiry (see The software is mostly oriented toward users who are running PNI projects, but participants in a story project (the people who tell the stories) may interact with NarraFirma through an online survey. This is what they see.
This is the home page of the NarraFirma application, where six buttons (Planning, Collection, Catalysis, Sensemaking, Intervention, Return), correspond to the six phases of participatory narrative inquiry.